Dear Parents, 

Muldrow Public Schools has had the privilege of having the 21st Century Grant for the last 5 years. This grant provided funding for the before-school, after-school, and summer school PAWS programs. The grant and its funding ended at the end of the summer school session. Because of the late notice of the loss of grant funds, the school district began the school year continuing the program much the same as we did while we had this grant. However, due to these funds no longer being available to the district, the following changes will be implemented beginning January 6th when we return from Christmas Break. As part of the grant, we were providing transportation after school to two locations. The transportation service will no longer be provided due to the transportation of only 3-9 students daily. Please review the changes listed below to the after-school programming.

It is our hope that by informing you of these changes now, it will provide ample opportunity for you to make any necessary adjustments to you and your child's schedule. 

Beginning January 6th the before and after school program will be changed to the following: 

  • Transportation will no longer be provided. 


Before school:

  • no change -students may be dropped off between 7:00-7:35

After school:

  • 3:20-3:45 evening meal 

  • Announcements to pick up students will not be made until 3:45 

  • 3:45-4:00 transition to classrooms 

  • Announcements to pick up students will be made at this time 

  • 4:00-4:30 classroom instruction 

  • Announcements to pick up students will not be made until 4:30. If they are here at 4:00 they must stay until 4:30. The intercom usage is a distraction to the instruction taking place at this time. We understand that occasional emergencies may arise that would cause an exception to this policy. 

  • 4:30-5:30 gym 

  • All remaining students will be transferred to the gym. Parents may pick up at any time after 4:30. Students will be signed out at the back door of the gym. This is the same location where morning students are dropped off. 


Before school:

  • no change -students may be dropped off between 7:00-7:45 AM

After school:

  • 3:20-3:45 evening meal 

  • 3:45 - 4:30 after-school activities

  • Parents can pick up at ANY TIME.

If you plan to utilize the program beginning January 6th, please fill out the paper sent home with your child and return this form to the principal's office by December 18th. 

You can contact your site office with any questions.